61 research outputs found

    Power Utility Re-regulation in East European and CIS Transformation Countries (1990-1999): An Institutional Interpretation

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    This paper analyzes the process of power utility re-regulation in Eastern Europe and the CIS during the decade of systemic transformation (1990-1999); in particular, it explores reasons why early attempts to introduce competition-oriented reform models have not succeeded. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of various reform models from an institutional economic perspective. The approaches to and results of power sector reform in Eastern Europe are assessed; quantitative indicators are wholesale and retail prices, cost coverage ratios, investment levels, and the degree of unbundling and privatization. The paper concludes that a gradual approach to reforms may have been appropriate for the first years of systemic transformation, but that today, ten years later, there is no reason to delay market-oriented reforms any longer.Power sector, institutions, transition, Eastern Europe

    Rationales und irrationales Verhalten in der russischen Klimapolitik

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    Russland nutzt die internationalen Klimaschutzinstrumente nur geringfĂŒgig und verspĂ€tet, obwohl die russische Wirtschaft davon profitieren könnte. Auch einer VerlĂ€ngerung des Kyoto-Protokolls steht Russland abweisend gegenĂŒber. Dieses scheinbar irrationale Verhalten hat nachvollziehbare GrĂŒnde, wenn man die unverĂ€nderte EnergieabhĂ€ngigkeit der russischen Wirtschaft betrachtet. Die Klimaschutzstrategien der EU vermindern die kĂŒnftigen Absatzchancen fĂŒr russische Öl- und Gasexporte. Der wirtschaftliche Ausbau des russischen Binnenmarkts fĂŒr Erdgas scheint dabei aus der Sicht russischer Energielieferanten zumindest mittelfristig eine ökonomisch sinnvolle Alternative zu sein. Langfristig wird eine solche Strategie auch die Erschließung der großen Energieeffizienzpotenziale der russischen Wirtschaft und damit die Senkung von Treibhausgasemissionen befördern. Aus der Sicht Russlands ist ein solches Vorgehen rational.Climate change policy, energy sector, Kyoto mechanisms, Russia

    Options for Transporting Russian Gas to Western Europe: A Game-theoretic Simulation Analysis

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    This paper examines the perspectives of Russian gas exports to Western Europe and the strategic options of the CIS gas transiting countries, namely Ukraine and Belarus.The development of a new transit corridor through Belarus (the Yamal-Europe pipeline), depriving Ukraine of its former monopoly, has modified the situation profoundly. The thrust of the paper is an analysis of the strategies that Ukraine and Belarus may pursue in transiting Russian gas: non-cooperative duopoly, cooperative duopoly, and individual or collective cooperation with Russia. Using a demand function for Western European gas imports from Russia, we estimate prices and quantities for gas transit, the expected profits for Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and the resulting import prices for Western Europe.The results indicate that Ukraine suffers a loss of several hundred million USD annually from the market entry of Belarus, Belarus has an incentive to increase its gas transit capacity to at least 56 billion cubic meters, and Russia's profits increase, in particular when it unites its gas sector with Belarus and Ukraine, a strategy pursued by Russia's Gazprom presently.F or Western Europe, all scenarios indicate an increase in welfare through the new pipeline, but also an increasing importance of gas imports from Russia.

    Options for transporting Russian gas to Western Europe: A game-theoretic simulation analysis

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    This paper examines the perspectives of Russian gas exports to Western Europe and the strategic options of the CIS gas transiting countries, namely Ukraine and Belarus. The development of a new transit corridor through Belarus (the Yamal-Europe pipeline), depriving Ukraine of its former monopoly, has modified the situation profoundly. The thrust of the paper is an analysis of nthe strategies that Ukraine and Belarus may pursue in transiting Russian gas: non-cooperative duopoly, cooperative duopoly, and individual or collective cooperation with Russia. Using a demand function for Western European gas imports from Russia, we estimate prices and quantities for gas transit, the expected profits for Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and the resulting import prices for Western Europe. The results indicate that Ukraine suffers a loss of several hundred million USD annually from the market entry of Belarus, Belarus has an incentive to increase its gas transit capacity to at least 56 billion cubic meters, and Russia's profits increase, in particular when it unites its gas sector with Belarus and Ukraine. For Western Europe, all scenarios indicate an increase in welfare through the new pipeline, but also an increasing importance of gas imports from Russia. -- Der Beitrag untersucht die Perspektiven russischer Gasexporte nach Westeuropa und die strategischen Optionen der GastransitlĂ€nder Ukraine und Belarus. Durch den Neu- und Ausbau eines Gastransitkorridors durch Belarus (die Jamal-Europa-Pipeline) geht die bisherige Monopolstellung der Ukraine als Transitland verloren. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Modellierung und Quantifizierung unterschiedlicher Wettbewerbsstrategien, wie das nichtkooperative Duopol, das kooperative Duopol, oder die individuelle bzw. kollektive Kooperation der TransitlĂ€nder mit Russland. HierfĂŒr werden Exportpreise und mengen sowie die resultierenden Gewinne der Spieler geschĂ€tzt. Durch den Markteintritt von Belarus ergeben sich erhebliche Verluste fĂŒr die Ukraine, wĂ€hrend sich Belarus mit einem Ausbau seiner KapazitĂ€ten auf 56 Mrd. m3 noch besser stellt. Russlands Gewinne steigen insbesondere durch die vertikale Integration der belarussischen und ukrainischen Gassektoren. FĂŒr Westeuropa legen die Ergebnisse erhebliche Wohlfahrtsgewinne durch den Pipelineausbau nahe, gleichzeitig aber auch eine gestiegene AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Gasimporten aus Russland.Gas,pipelines,strategic behavior,CIS,Russia

    Russische Direktinvestitionen im Ausland - eine nachholende Internationalisierung

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    In den letzten Jahren haben sich russische Auslandsdirektinvestitionen (ADI) sehr dynamisch entwickelt. Im internationalen Vergleich liegt Russland aber immer noch deutlich hinter den großen IndustrielĂ€ndern zurĂŒck. Sowohl bezogen auf Regionen als auch bezogen auf Branchen sind russische ADI vergleichsweise wenig diversifiziert. Es dominieren die Großprojekte von Unternehmen aus dem Energiesektor, der Metallindustrie und der Telekommunikation. FĂŒr die Zukunft ist eine Ausweitung russischer ADI zu erwarten. Allerdings wird sich das Spektrum der Wirtschaftssektoren, in denen sich russische Unternehmen als global player etablieren nur sehr zögerlich erweitern

    Dating and geochemistry of zircon and apatite from rhyolite at the UNESCO geosite Rupnica (Mt. Papuk, northern Croatia) and the relationship to the Sava Zone

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    The Rupnica geosite, a key locality of the UNESCO-protected Papuk Geopark in northern Croatia, is well-known for an excellent exposure of columnar jointing in volcanic rock. This rock is defined as an albite rhyolite that comprises almost pure albite phenocrysts within a fine-grained matrix composed of microphenocrysts of albite, quartz and devitrified volcanic glass. Primary accessory minerals are clinopyroxene, apatite, zircon and magnetite. Haematite, apatite and anatase were found as inclusions in zircon. The albite rhyolite is characterized by a highly siliceous, peraluminous, oxidized (ferroan), dry, alkali-calcic to alkalic composition, with low CaO, MgO, and MnO contents and high FeOT/(FeOT+MgO) ratios. Normalized trace element contents display positive anomalies of K, Pb, and Zr as well as negative anomalies of Nb, P, Ti, Ba and Eu, together with an enrichment of light rare-earth elements (REE) relative to heavy REE. Zircon from the rhyolite of Rupnica is characterized by ratios of Th/U=1.13 and Zr/Hf=55 and contents of HfO2=1.04 wt. % typical for an early-stage igneous zircon crystallized from a dry high-temperature magma in a deep magma chamber. Apatite REE patterns show enrichment of light REE over heavy REE and a pronounced Eu anomaly, typical for apatite from granitoids formed in an oxidizing environment. The magma is of A-type and was generated at high temperatures at 800–900 °C by partial melting of lower- to mid-crustal rocks. The age of the albite rhyolite of Rupnica is Late Cretaceous at 80.8±1.8 (2σ) Ma, according to U-Pb dating of zircon, coeval with geochemically similar igneous rocks of Mt. PoĆŸeĆĄka Gora and Mt. Kozara within the Sava Zone

    Renewable energy and decentralized power generation in Russia: an opportunity for German-Russian energy cooperation

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    Renewable and decentralized power generation are a centerpiece of Germany's domestic energy transition (Energiewende) and a major element of its international efforts to promote this goal. Recently, the renewables sector has also been advancing in Russia, albeit from a lower level. Thus, it is time to explore the status quo and analyze the potential for sustainable energy cooperation. In the context of the current deterioration in EURussian (energy) relations, crafting a sustainable energy partnership that is based on innovation, with an emphasis on electricity cooperation, might present an added value. (Autorenreferat

    Osteochondritis dissecans and Osgood Schlatter disease in a family with Stickler syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>Stickler syndrome is among the most common autosomal dominant connective tissue disorders but is often unrecognised and therefore not diagnosed by clinicians. Despite much speculation, the cause of osteochondrosis in general and osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and Osgood Schlatter syndrome (OSS) in particular remain unclear. Etiological understanding is essential. We describe a pair of family subjects presented with OCD and OSS as a symptom complex rather than a diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Detailed clinical and radiographic examinations were undertaken with emphasis on the role of MRI imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging may allow early prediction of articular lesion healing potential in patients with Stickler syndrome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The phenotype of Stickler syndrome can be diverse and therefore misleading. The expectation that the full clinical criteria of any given genetic disorder such as Stickler syndrome will always be present can easily lead to an underestimation of these serious inheritable disorders. We report here two family subjects, a male proband and his aunt (paternal sister), both presented with the major features of Stickler syndrome. Tall stature with marfanoid habitus, astigmatism/congenital vitreous abnormality and submucus cleft palate/cleft uvula, and enlarged painful joints with early onset osteoarthritis. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and Osgood Schlatter syndrome (OSS) were the predominating joint abnormalities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We observed that the nature of the articular and physeal abnormalities was consistent with a localised manifestation of a more generalised epiphyseal dysplasia affecting the weight-bearing joints. In these two patients, OCD and OSS appeared to be the predominant pathologic musculoskeletal consequences of an underlying Stickler's syndrome. It is empirical to consider generalised epiphyseal dysplasia as a major underlying causation that might drastically affect the weight-bearing joints.</p

    Monitoring of Gene Expression in Bacteria during Infections Using an Adaptable Set of Bioluminescent, Fluorescent and Colorigenic Fusion Vectors

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    A family of versatile promoter-probe plasmids for gene expression analysis was developed based on a modular expression plasmid system (pZ). The vectors contain different replicons with exchangeable antibiotic cassettes to allow compatibility and expression analysis on a low-, midi- and high-copy number basis. Suicide vector variants also permit chromosomal integration of the reporter fusion and stable vector derivatives can be used for in vivo or in situ expression studies under non-selective conditions. Transcriptional and translational fusions to the reporter genes gfpmut3.1, amCyan, dsRed2, luxCDABE, phoA or lacZ can be constructed, and presence of identical multiple cloning sites in the vector system facilitates the interchange of promoters or reporter genes between the plasmids of the series. The promoter of the constitutively expressed gapA gene of Escherichia coli was included to obtain fluorescent and bioluminescent expression constructs. A combination of the plasmids allows simultaneous detection and gene expression analysis in individual bacteria, e.g. in bacterial communities or during mouse infections. To test our vector system, we analyzed and quantified expression of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis virulence genes under laboratory conditions, in association with cells and during the infection process
